It's been a while since the last link-stravaganza, so for your reading pleasure, the good, the bad, and as always, the bizarrely interesting. Happy (?) Tuesday to all, and to all a good cup of hot coffee and a nice place to enjoy it.
What do you think about outsourcing pretty much everything?
Perfect leather-like pants (not to be confused with these leather-like pants).
A sort-of mind-blowing comparison of today's stars with their similarly-aged counterparts of yore.
January Jones was Betty Draper for Halloween. Really. Dear JJ: Pretty please do this every year for the rest of time.
Why young adult novels are actually really, really good (hint: good plots sans author pretentiousness).
The Olympics are coming, and the dress code is moose sweaters.
Pirates hate Britney. That's rude (though admittedly low on the list of their transgressions).
The most adorable thing you will see today is not baby animals, it's these photos of the Beckham family watching Harper play soccer.
The Miss Manners of Motown sounds like she was a fabulous lady.
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