Ever notice how things happen in threes? My most recent experience with this phenomenon is with Ryan Gosling. No, really. And since it's Monday, let's not try to do any heavy lifting around here today.

First, this bathroom from Bang Bang restaurant in San Diego featured in this month's Lonny is objectively brilliant and hilarious. "Hey Girl. Your lipstick looks great in this lighting. And don't forget to order dessert."

On a completely unrelated note (or so I thought, but it appears The Gosling won't be denied), last week I was looking for suggestions for gray paint colors. Guess who designer Emily Henderson tapped to assist her with that task?

That's right. Ryan Gosling (btw, this post has a ton of great gray paint suggestions. And also, you know, other nice stuff to look at).

And if that's not enough for your Ryan Gosling fix, perhaps I can interest you in this Chrome extension that will (no joke) replace all of the photos on any web site you visit with pictures of your good pal RG.

Enjoy. With my and Ryan's compliments.
PS: my personal favorite Ryan Gosling meme, Law School Ryan Gosling (you're welcome, legal nerds).
(Second image of Bang Bang Restaurant from Eater San Diego; bottom images via ABC News and Mashable.)
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