Hello friends -- looks like you're getting your weekend links on a Wednesday, because that's how we roll here at Tall and Salty when I was in California over the weekend for one of my best friend's weddings (which was a hell of a time, if I may be so bold to add). The setting was beautiful, as, of course, was the bride. And the festivities were so much fun, it's taken me half the week to recover and catch my breath. Hope all of you are doing well and also had so much fun this weekend it's taking you 'til Wednesday to figure out which way is up. While we all get our bearings, some fun from around the web:
Someone please, please get ten friends to be this with for Halloween. And send me pics. Thanks in advance.
Drink milk, have tall babies (thanks for the tip, Kate!)
Photographic evidence that our friend A-Dubs is not made of stone.
In case you get lost in the woods.
I think we'd all enjoy having a cocktail with these two, yes?
This place just opened in my neighborhood, and I can confirm that the lemon yogurt if freaking amazing.
"Hello, Pope calling . . . "
Some far-fetched finger-pointing, in my humble opinion.
(Image by Vogue's Instagram; via The Rachel Papers.)
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