I love chambray shirts. They're the perfect casual top to throw on with just about everything, year-round.

Cute for summer with white shorts, and for fall with red skinny jeans. Unfortunately, my husband hates chambray shirts. To the point where the other day, he casually threw out a "so, why don't we both pick out one article of clothing to throw out from each other's closets?" The nerve.
Images: (d)STORE via Note to Self; J. Crew.
Haha. Your husband is funny.
I like this polka dot one from the Gap: http://www.gap.com/browse/product.do?cid=34609&vid=1&pid=243596&scid=243596002
Unfortunately, these shirts are rarely made with darts. Who doesn't love darts?
I went to Old Navy at lunch and saw a polka dot chambray shirt with....DARTS! It doesn't appear to be online so I don't have a link to share.
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