I've been pondering trying a new recipe of some sort (or maybe giving my culinary Waterloo another go, since the first two attempts were failures!), but we had a fun impromptu mid-week dinner gathering on Wednesday, so I might just let myself off the hook and catch up on Girls and The Newsroom from the comfort of my a/c, instead.
What are you up to over the weekend? Whatever it is, I hope you enjoy it and that it makes you feel good. Have a relaxing weekend and I'll see you again next week. Take care and enjoy these links!
A fascinating article about going to friends' weddings.
Who doesn't love wine and yoga pants?
A big "whoa!" to Ladies Mary, Edith, and Sybil.
Extremely handy kitchen towels.
Stars . . . if they really were just like us. (Beyonce and Jay-Z crack me up).
That's what she read. (Thanks Sarah!)
How are you doing on this 30 by 30 list? (It's okay, I'm not doing all that hot, either. :))
The Playboy Bunny Instruction Manual.
Queen Elizabeth's code name is Brenda? That rocks.
So this makes me really glad I went to a school that didn't have a Greek system. Yikes!
Hilarious (and yes, slightly insulting) Chicago neighborhood posters.
The Miss Subways beauty pageant. (Thanks Jeanne!)
An absolutely darling wedding in a boxing gym. How creative is that? (via @snippetandink)
(Photograph of John Lennon for the album cover of Walls and Bridges by Jon Gruen; via Allyson in Wonderland.)
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