I got extra lucky and was able to try them on in a store, which is huge when you're dealing with clothes for a person who has serious fit issues. (For Chicago tall ladies: both locations of The Denim Lounge, on Oak Street and Roscoe Village, carry them in-store.)
And they are AWESOME. Seriously, truly, awesome. There are three styles for sale on the TallWater web site, but the only pair I've tried so far is the Elle bootcut. Not only are they long (which, as we all know, is the most important part), they have this amazing fit that is precisely made for a tall body type: among many really clever adjustments, the one I found the most helpful is that the rise is slightly longer, so the waist sits where it's actually supposed to sit on your body and makes you look thinner and leaner. You look like you're wearing a completely normal pair of Joe's or J Brand Jeans, but that actually fit. And miracle of miracles: they're a classic, dark wash, gloriously devoid of bedazzling, flame-embroidery, excessive whiskering, or any other manner of hideous adornment that frequently defile other pairs of tall jeans.
Bottom line: HIGHLY recommend.
And now, back to regularly-sized programming.
1 comment:
Thanks for coming in and trying them on and LOVING them!! We try to carry jeans for all shapes and sizes. To the wonderful ladies at Tall Water...we need more!!
All the best,
David and Wendi
(owners of The Denim Lounge-Chicago)
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