My love for summer bike rides is well-documented. And while I love my bike -- an old-timey single-speed Schwinn Hollywood -- I've been looking for something a bit newer and bigger. My problem (as with most things I'm looking for) is finding a step-through girl's bike (aka a Dutch granny bike, ha!) in a large enough frame size.
My search continues, but for all of you more average-sized ladies, I found you an awesome new bike. Critical Cycles ships almost-assembled bikes for free (and Prime-eligible from Amazon!) that come with everything I've been looking for in my next bike: vintage styling, step-through frame, single speed, coaster brakes, a back rack, cute headlamp, and a fun color. It even comes with a bell, for goodness' sake. And here's the best part: it's only $250!

There are lots more options (frames, speeds, hand brakes) and colors on their site, but I'm partial this color, British racing green.
If you're ready to pimp your ride, a few extras:

You can even get a reflective bow to go on your helmet -- hilarious.

You clearly need a brass bell.

A pretty and simple headlight.

Rearview mirror, just 'cause.

And OBVIOUSLY, baskets. I have this one on the front of my bike, and it holds a lot!

But if you want to go all out, this picnic basket looks pretty roomy.

This bottle basket goes on the back. Apparently for milk bottles, but I'd imagine wine (or growlers!) would be a good fit.

PS: check out these crazy pictures of Amsterdam's bike parking problem; and what you'll see in 73 minutes in Amsterdam.
(Top image by Flying Pigeon LA.)