Besides unsuccessfully trying to fix my computer, I was also busy yesterday doing something far more satisfying: getting a bike! I’ve been on the lookout for a vintage cruiser for a few weeks now, and finally found one, an old blue Schwinn. I’m far more excited about it than any thirty-year-old woman should be about a bike!

I’m sure I look perfectly silly riding it because it’s too small (as you can see above!), but I’m okay with it. Some not-so-tactful-fellows at a local bike shop were like "pssssht . . . good luck, lady" when I told them that I didn't want a men's bike, and I may or may not have indignantly stomped out. Dudes, let's be serious: it's not like I'm going to be entering any races on this thing.

I am of course now on the lookout for a basket (too bad my passenger is approximately seven times too heavy to fit in this one). Maybe a bell! Or a cup holder (the possibilities are endless). And don't worry, Mom and Dad: a helmet.

PS: More about bikes: a cute Pinterest board of girls on bikes, bike street style, downtown from behind, and what must surely be the most insanely cute bike ride in the history of the world (if you click on one link in this post, make it that one. Seriously).
(Image of me on my bike by Tall and Salty; images of the Beatles, Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, Marilyn Monroe and Arthur Miller, Frank Sinatra, and Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly from the Rides a Bike tumblr.)
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