Tomorrow I have a hot date at the playground with a friend and his painfully cute family, followed by a visit to the Randolph Street Market (where I will likely be wearing some variation of this).
On Sunday, we're having a barbecue and the only thing about it that has actually been settled is that there will be plenty of this delicious-sounding cocktail. Depending on bravery levels, perhaps this berry deliciousness for dessert.
I hope you'll be putting your extra day of weekend to good use. Get started by enjoying this extra-large set of links for your extra-large weekend!
A fantastically comprehensive roundup of striped outfits to get your summer outfit vibes going.
A lock for your ice cream!
Why are awesome art installations like this always in such faraway places?
A hilarious account of thirty-six hours on a juice cleanse.
I personally think this little girl is rocking her hair bow, thank you!
Books, books, books for your long weekend pleasure (new Emily Giffin squeeeee she is my guilty pleasure)!
Will you be wearing ranch pants this weekend?
A truly fascinating article about at-home births, hospital births, and why there isn't a middle ground, already.
Hilarious: the president of Lithuania went fabric shopping during her down time at the NATO summit.
New Yorker covers that never made it.
Steal like an artist (not to be confused with "steal art." PS: do not miss this picture).
Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy in a buddy cop movie? This could be awesome, or terrible -- I can't decide.
A wise sentiment about regrets.
Interesting article about office acoustics.
Isn't this house the perfect mix of traditional and modern?
Smart fix for ugly bathroom lights.
Awesome blog alert (serious time drain ahead: proceed with caution) (via Elements of Style).
What an image (and there are lots more on the White House Flickr stream).
Baby cheetahs. You want to see them.
A handy program that will let you keep all of these links to read later.
And finally, take a moment to remember just why Monday is a holiday.
(Image of Grace Kelly via here)
Hope you made (and loved!) the Summer Beer! Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the recipe! It was a hit (and a supplemental batch MAY have been whipped up the following day)!
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