Monday, August 20, 2012


As I mentioned on Saturday, I spent the afternoon biking on a fifteen-passenger Pedal Pub, and it was so much fun!  (About halfway through our three-hour excursion, we booked another trip -- it's that good a time).  We saw a great surprise happen, too: another group was gathering on their Pedal Pub, and at the last minute, a girl came walking up with a guy wearing a blindfold.  She took it off and everyone yelled "Happy birthday!"  What a fun group (and what a great idea for a surprise party).
Everyone on our bike had a great time and, of course, Instagrammed away.  I was a guest of a guest, so I didn't know a lot of the folks on the bike and don't follow them on Instagram, which is too bad -- I'd love to see everyone's pictures.  Which reminded me of a great idea I saw a few weeks ago:
The next time you have a gathering with lots of people, pick a hashtag to use for the event, and let everyone know.  That way, even if you aren't close with all the people there, you can still see everyone's take on all the fun.  Isn't this a great idea for weddings?

(Images: Tall and Salty Instagram; chalkboard shot from Green Wedding Shoes)

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