Don't we all wish we could braid our hair like this? There are plenty of tutorials out there (two good ones here and here; don't even think about going to Pinterest because your eyeballs will probably fall out there are so many!). But they all fail to take into account a) people like me who are simply hopeless at doing our own hair; and b) people like me who simply don't have enough hair to do this.

I'll be the first person to admit that I'm not completely averse to using hair extensions: I have ridiculously baby fine hair and I wore clip-in extensions for my wedding that made me feel like I had Gisele's hair on my head. It was glorious. But for some reason, these braided headbands seem odd to me. I think they might be kind of obviously fake-looking, even though the pictures are lovely. What do you think? Would you give them a try, or are my instincts correct that these are sort of odd?

(Images via;; and bottom image by Jennifer Sarkilahti for Wiksten.)
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