In the back-to-school spirit, this week's posts are going to be looking at the grown-up's version of school: work. To start off the week: a handy infographic for figuring out whether you should check your email. For those of you are like me and all too frequently answer "yes," this is a helpful reminder for us all (click to enlarge):
PS: an interesting article from the New York Times about the meaning of work, written by my college philosophy professor. I am apparently no more intelligent at 30 than I was at 19, because I still find him extremely confusing (and wonder why "because you have to eat" isn't mentioned anywhere), but regardless, an interesting read. And: Go Irish! (That's me on the right. :))

Images: Hot air balloon desk designed by Boys and Girls and Twisted Image via Design*Sponge; chart via Explore, originally by Wendy McNaughton for Forbes; bottom image via someecards.com.
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