This is not sustainable. Enter: the Seven Minute Workout. 12 exercises, 30 seconds each, with a 10 second break in between.

You can do this in your house. It takes, from start to finish, seven minutes, and even I have to admit that I surely have time for THAT. In sum, it's over once it starts, so you don't even really have time to quit in the middle -- by the time you decide to give up, you're done. Are you going to lose tons of weight? No. Will you get ripped? I can't imagine that you will. But for someone like me, who adheres to a "shopping is my cardio" lifestyle, this works.
I also dipped a toe into the world of Flywheel lately, for a friend's birthday party. It's hard, but a lot of fun -- they play awesome music and it's a serious workout. I personally found using the bike a bit awkward for someone as tall as I am, but it wasn't impossible. And I discovered this mashup of I Wanna Dance With Somebody, Last Friday Night, and Feel So Close, which is my new favorite workout song.
Workout gear tip for tall ladies: I abhor their rigid return policies and general attitude towards customer service, but Lululemon makes maddeningly good workout stuff, including a pair of leggings that are designed to be worn over people's feet while they do yoga. The upshot of this is that they're super long, so if your'e looking for a pair, check out the Wunder Unders. And if you're looking for cropped pants that aren't too short, try these.
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