Friday, August 24, 2012

Have a lovely weekend!

Hello everyone!  After a busy work week, I am ready to relax.  What are you up to this weekend?  I'm going to a baby shower tonight, and after a tremendously ill-advised, spur-of-the-moment attempt to paint one of my kitchen chairs last Saturday (I ran out of red paint mid-coat, resulting in a chair that looked like it had been a prop on the set of one of Dexter's murder scenes), I have the proper supplies at hand and will be tackling that project this weekend.  I'm going to try to dip the bottoms like this -- fancy!  Are you doing anything fun?  Take care and have a good one.

Good grammar is sexy (via swissmiss).

Hipster soup.

Someone invented a recipe with some of my favorite things together: French 75 jell-o shots (via Joanna's Pinterest).

This creative use of the Freedom of Information Act to obtain the President's beer recipe is sort of awesome, but the lawyer part of me feels sorry for the people who have to respond to it.

Friends dress alike on The Sartorialist.

You guys, NO.  This is TMI.  No one needs to see the morning after your wedding (via The Cut).

What a cool travel photo idea (even though I do specialize in one-arm self-portraits.  Long arms are good for something).

The science of the wet dog shake.

Good news: your late summer/early fall shopping is done

This donkey will break your heart!  (For more: Animals with Casts, via sho and tell.  Awww.)

Senator Schumer, matchmaker.

Hello there (via DesignLoveFest).

Why misquotations prosper.

(Image: Alec Baldwin by Norman Jean Roy for Vanity Fair via Vulture.)
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