And though Vogue somewhat uncharitably describes these as "excessively long" (meanies), these sound fantastic, with a slightly raised waistband and a redesign of the proportions throughout (like another awesome line of longer-length jeans, TallWater). The jeans, available the first week of June, will come in two styles -- the flare and skinny, pictured -- and in two washes, light and dark. Huzzah!
Seriously, Universe . . . thanks. And while I'm pounding salted margaritas and advance online purchasing multiple pairs of these jeans, consider spreading out the good news next time, okay?
[Updated on May 16 to add: you can check out all four styles here!]
[Updated on May 16 to add: you can check out all four styles here!]
(Images via Vogue by Erik Torstensson.)
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