And just because I love prognosticating on what the season will hold based purely on promotional photos, don't these speak volumes about the women in Don's life?
Betty: OVER IT (but obviously not really, because who could ever really be over Hamm, so a little stone-cold posing can't hurt, can it?).
Sally: Turning more and more into Betty Junior with every passing minute.
Megan: "Heeeey."

Peggy: "I'm coming for you and all your business, Draper. And if you think your side-eye scares me, you've got another thing coming."

What do you think will be this year's Zou Bisou Bisou? And DOES THIS MEAN THAT FAT BETTY IS GONE?
PS: Mad Men Withdrawal, and one of my favorite Mad Men scenes. Finally, Kiernan Shipka is adorable. That is all.
(Photos via AMC.)
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