Wherever you are, I hope you have a great weekend with lots of time for relaxing and enjoying summer weather. Kiss a baby for me, too. :) Take care and enjoy the following!
Well. This looks like just about the most fun, EVER.
Pregnant Reese Witherspoon is killing it out there.
Sometimes, silly things just make me laugh. It appears shark bite oven mitts are one of those things.
Hilarious because it's true (via Making it Lovely).
People demand bikes and coffee (including, apparently, the President).
An absolutely heartbreaking story about a girl who was killed just after her college graduation.
This week's delightfully girly book alert: The Devil Returns!
Have you seen this kerfluffle about moms in uniform?
PROJECT RUNWAY MEETS THE WEST WING? Oh I'd watch the you-know-what out of that show.
A fascinating look at A Girl and Her Room.
Chicagoans: our long-awaited blowout spot opens tomorrow!
(Image via the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum)
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